Claire’s Asbestos Problems

Claire’s Asbestos Problems Extend Overseas

As if Claire’s, a popular retail chain for teens and tweens, wasn’t having enough trouble in the U.S., their problems with asbestos in the make-up they peddle at their retail locations has stretched across the pond to the Netherlands.

Claire’s Asbestos Problems Extend OverseasDutch News reports that the Dutch health and safety authorities known as ILT and NVWA have ordered two types of make-up sold by Claire’s to be withdrawn from sale after it found traces of asbestos in the powder.

There are 32 Claire’s stores in The Netherlands, and they are just as popular with young girls there as they are with the 10-16-year-old crowd in the United States.

The authorities ordered the removal of the products after laboratory testing showed 2% to 5% asbestos in a face powder and 0.1 to 2% of the toxic substance in a contouring powder.

Despite the low concentrations contained within the make-up products ‘there is a risk to health,” the authorities concluded.

The investigation into the Dutch-sold products began last month. However, the authorities there had considered testing the products back in December, when the story about the tainted Claire’s products first hit the news in the U.S.

However, Dutch health and safety officials said they suspended that idea because the U.S. Food and Drug Administration had assured them that there was nothing wrong with the products in question, which are popular with young girls just starting to wear make-up.

But the Netherlands has a “no tolerance” policy when it comes to asbestos.

Use of the mineral is banned in that country. That’s why they’ve also asked Claire’s to withdraw additional products made with the same ingredients until further notice.

There is no word as to whether more testing will be conducted or whether Claire’s has commented on the current situation.

However, the retailer is suffering with money problems. In the U.S., they have filed for bankruptcy protection though they do not intend to close any stores, a spokesperson said.

It is likely that their insolvency is a result of decreased traffic at malls nationwide, but there’s no doubt that the asbestos situation had an impact on their decreased sales as well, especially during the recent holiday season, when the problem was first discovered.