Pittsburgh Electric Scooter Injury Lawyer

Pittsburgh E Scooter Injury Lawyer, Lee W. Davis, is ready to help if you have had a serious injury. Battery Operated Electric Scooters from companies, like Spin, used on Pittsburgh streets, like Butler Street in Lawrenceville, are supposed to travel in traffic and not on sidewalks.

Pittsburgh Electric Scooter Injury Lawyer

You may need an Pittsburgh Electric Scooter Injury Lawyer if there is E Scooter Malfunction

  • Brakes Fail
  • Throttle Sticks
  • Handle Bar Stem Collapse

These devices have Short Wheelbases with Hard Wheels and Pot Holes can be dangerous!

Electric Scooters cause injuries when left in Roadway

Pedestrians trip and fall on Scooters left on sidewalks. The last person’s to use the scooter can be sued and have their Home owners or Renters insurance for negligence.

Pittsburgh has very specific rules regarding E Scooter parking:

  • Never park an e-scooter on any sidewalk.
  • Park in marked e-scooter parking corrals charging stations.
  • In commercial areas, you will be required to place the e-scooter in a corral or Hub in order to end your trip.
  • Outside of commercial areas, you may park the e-scooter in legal, standard car parking spaces in the street.
  • Park with the e-scooter’s front wheel against the curb, with the e-scooter sticking out from the curb (perpendicular).
  • Never park on a sidewalk, in a bike lane, or in a disabled/handicapped parking spot.
  • Never block a bus stop or load zone.
  • Outside of commercial areas, you may park next to a bike rack.

Remember You Have Responsibilities on Pittsburgh Electric Scooters

  • No insurance will cover you. Auto Insurance will not cover your injuries. Home Owners Insurance will not cover your injuries.
  • Always WEAR A HELMET when riding. These are “impulse rents’ but you are still riding a motorized vehicle in traffic and 15 mph is fast. Do not will not place anything on the Scooter or use the Scooter while holding anything that impedes your ability to safely use it.
  • Eye Protection is Required in Pennsylvania.
  • You have to be 18 years of age to use a Motor Driven Cycle. In Pennsylvania, E Scooters must be inspected as Motor-Driven Cycles.
  • Do not use any cellular telephone, text messaging device, portable music player, or any other device that may distract you from operating a scooter safely, including the use of hands-free technology.
  • Do not race scooters. Do not operate the scooter impaired or under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Pittsburgh E Scooter Injury Lawyer, Lee W. Davis, is ready to help if you have had a serious injury. Battery Operated Electric Scooters from companies, like Spin, used on Pittsburgh streets, like Butler Street in Lawrenceville, are supposed to travel in traffic and not on sidewalks.

What to do if you have an Electric Scooter Accident:

  • Take or Get Pictures of Any Accident if you are able.
  • Get a copy of any Police Report or write down the name and police department of any law enforcement officer that may have been involved.
  • Identify the other Driver if possible.
  • Write Down Exactly Where and When the Accident Occurred.
  • Identify Any Witnesses and write down their contact information.
  • Identify if there is any security camera footage or video of your Any Accident, if you can.
  • Call E Scooter Injury Lawyer Lee Davis Now!