Wheeling Pitt Mesothelioma Lawyer

Wheeling Pittsburgh Steel Mesothelioma

Over the years before its decline and eventual bankruptcy filings, the company employed several thousand workers in a variety of jobs throughout their facilities. Like most steel workers that were employed through the end of the 1970s and into the early 1980s, many were exposed to asbestos and have suffered because of that exposure.

Wheeling Pitt Mesothelioma Lawyer Lee W. Davis

Attorney Lee Davis has represented a number of Wheeling Pitt workers throughout his 25-year career as a mesothelioma lawyer, including individuals who were employed at the facilities in Steubenville, Mingo Junction, and Follansbee. These employees include both long-time plant workers as well as contract workers who were exposed to asbestos during short-term employment at one of Wheeling-Pitt’s locations.

Through his work on these cases, Lee has discovered that steel mill workers are among those individuals most affected by exposure to asbestos…and he’s prepared to prove that in a court of law.

Hiring an attorney who is well-versed in the particulars of local corporations is a wise idea where asbestos cases are concerned. No doubt you’ve heard the TV commercials from large firms that accept cases just about anywhere in the U.S.

While they may have tidbits of knowledge pertaining to a variety of different states, Lee Davis is the LOCAL EXPERT. His experience in dealing with Wheeling-Pitt and other local steel mill employees has allowed him to become intimately familiar with the industry and its inner workings.

The result on his local knowledge is a long string of successful cases that provide plaintiffs with the compensation they need and deserve.

Wheeling-Pitt employees worked hard at their jobs, which usually involved immense amounts of grueling, physical labor. Individuals who were employed as machinists, pipefitters, plumbers, boilermakers, welders, and millwrights – for example – often worked long days in difficult conditions, producing the steel the country needed for ships, buildings, and more.

They were exposed to any number of hazards on-the-job, not the least of which was asbestos, which was used abundantly because of its strength and its fire-resistant properties. However, few were ever warned of its dangers.

Lee Davis can assist former Wheeling-Pitt West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Ohio workers gain compensation for their asbestos-caused injuries. For a more comprehensive look at the particulars of filing a mesothelioma-related case.

Wheeling-Pitt Mesothelioma FAQs

Can I sue for asbestos exposure at Wheeling-Pittsburgh Steel?

Yes, if you or a family member were exposed to asbestos at Wheeling-Pittsburgh Steel and developed mesothelioma, you may be eligible to file a claim or lawsuit. Lee Davis has decades of experience handling cases tied to this mill.

What types of jobs at Wheeling-Pitt involved asbestos risk?

Workers in pipefitting, insulation, maintenance, and machinery operation roles were commonly exposed to asbestos. Even office and support staff could experience secondary exposure.

Is take-home exposure from Wheeling-Pitt covered?

Yes. Family members who were exposed to asbestos fibers brought home on work clothes or tools and later developed mesothelioma may be entitled to compensation.

Do I need a local lawyer for a mesothelioma claim?

Hiring a local attorney like Lee Davis, who knows the history and case law behind Wheeling-Pittsburgh Steel, gives you an advantage. He’s handled asbestos cases tied to this mill for over 35 years.

If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with mesothelioma after working at Wheeling-Pittsburgh Steel, you deserve answers—and experienced legal support. Lee W. Davis has been fighting for steelworkers and their families for over 35 years. He understands what you’re going through and is ready to help. Call 412-781-0525 or email ldavis@leewdavis.com today or complete the form on this page to speak directly with Lee. Your time to file may be limited—don’t wait to protect your rights.