A lawsuit against Snapchat was filed by the Law Offices of Lee W. Davis, Esquire, L.L.C. on December 4, 2020 alleging Snap, Inc., parent of Snapchat, ignored search warrants from the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny County, PA and an administrative subpoena in Wellesley, MA regarding threats of imminent harm and death for weeks causing harm to Plaintiffs.
In February 2021, Snap, Inc. removed the matter to the United States District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania. The U.S.D.C. for the W.D.PA transferred the case to the United States District Court for the Central District of California – Los Angeles.

Snapchat filed a Motion to Dismiss based immunity for Snapchat as an internet service provider under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act on October 29, 2020, the Plaintiff responded and the U.S.D.C. for the C.D.C.A. took the matter under advisement in December 2021. The Snapchat lawsuit is Case No. 2:21-cv-7292-DMG-PD in United States District Court for the Central District of California – Los Angeles.
Lee Davis is investigating other claims that popular social media platforms and apps may have caused harm to children and teens. Stalking, grooming and rape have been linked to social media. Social Media algorithms may cause Anxiety, Eating Disorders, Body Dysmorphia, Sexual exploitation, Self-harm, even Suicide in teenagers and children.
Social media companies should be held accountable for dangerous practices that manipulate minor-aged users. Lawsuits may force companies to change their platforms and hold them accountable for criminal acts, deaths and emotional harms related to the use of social media by teens and children. The delicate nature of these claims require specialized personal attention because these matters involve minors. Call or email Lee directly for the personalized service these cases demand.