Asbestos Use Sparks Rise in Ohio Mesothelioma Cases

Working at a power company has its risks. That’s obvious. When one considers a job at a power plant, the first thing that comes to mind as far as safety is concerned is the chance for accidents that might involve fires, burns, or even electrocution.

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South Charleston West Virginia Mesothelioma

When the first petrochemical plant came to West Virginia in 1920, the locals found themselves on the cutting edge of this newfangled industry. Union Carbide had chosen Clendenin, West Virginia for this honor…and the people rejoiced.

Five years later, when the plant’s needs grew so large that they had to relocate, operations moved to South Charleston’s Blaine Island area adjacent to the Kanawha River, seemingly the ideal spot for a petrochemical company to do its thing and continue to expand.

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Mesothelioma Among Senior Citizens

A cancer diagnosis is a blow at any age. For senior citizens, however, dealing with cancer is especially hard, particularly for those individuals who might be facing the multiple medical concerns that come with aging, including a host of other diseases and disorders. Mesothelioma cancer, quite frequently, is diagnosed among those who would fall into … Read more

Mesothelioma Pain Clinic – What Can You Expect?

Cancer can be a painful disease. Oncologists report that most of their patients identify some degree of cancer-related pain while dealing with the disease and its treatments. Unfortunately, for mesothelioma patients, pain is often a major symptom and one that elicits the most fear in a newly-diagnosed patient. The amount and severity of pain related … Read more

Mesothelioma Precursors

While it’s true that not everyone who is exposed to asbestos gets sick, what’s also true is that not everyone who is sickened by asbestos exposure gets mesothelioma…at least not immediately. But many asbestos related health issues are mesothelioma precursors. The results of years of asbestos exposure manifest in a variety of different ways. For … Read more

Interferon Alpha – Mesothelioma Maintenance Treatment

Mesothelioma is a cancer of the mesothelium, the thin tissue that covers the lungs, heart, and other internal organs. Nearly all cases of this fatal disease are caused by exposure to asbestos. Often, the cancer takes decades to appear and, when it does, it has already reached Stage 3 or 4, making it especially difficult … Read more

Asbestos and First Responders

No one who was alive at the time will ever forget the tragedies that occurred on September 11, 2001. It was a day that showed the true face of terrorism and one that affected not only the people of the United States but also others around the world. There were obvious casualties that day. Nearly … Read more

On-the-Job Asbestos Exposure a Real Concern for Insulators

Insulator Noun 1. Electricity a) A material of such low conductivity that the flow of current through it is negligible. b) Insulating material, often glass or porcelain, in a unit form designed so as to support a charged conductor and electrically isolate it. A person or thing that insulates. The definition of an insulator is … Read more

Asbestos Health Risks a Genuine Concern for Painters

We’ve all done some painting in our lifetimes. Maybe it was that first apartment of yours – the one with the lime green walls. Or perhaps you’ve tackled larger projects, like the exterior of your home. Some DIYers love to paint, others hate it. Still, there are many individuals that make their living as painters, … Read more

Asbestosis Nothing to Cough About

In the world of asbestos exposure, there are those that emerge unscathed, there are others who wind up with mesothelioma cancer, and then there are some who walk away with a lung disease known as asbestosis. The latter, while not a form of cancer, can be just as debilitating as mesothelioma though it carries a … Read more