Pittsburgh Injury Lawyer Lee Davis

Pittsburgh Injury Lawyer Lee Davis recovers money damages for people that have serious injuries from defective products, negligence of others, sexual harassment. Lee personally counsels and represents parties involved in civil litigation including business litigation and construction litigation.

Unlike large impersonal law firms, Pittsburgh Injury Lawyer Lee Davis handles your Auto Accident or Motorcycle Accident Case, Mesothelioma and Asbestos Cancer Case, Cyber Threat Case or Sexual Harassment Case with the personal service that clients expect from their lawyer. Home or Hospital visits are available as well as online appointments.

Pittsburgh Injury Lawyer Lee Davis is veteran of thousands of cases that recovered millions in settlements and verdicts for his clients.

Lee Davis also serves as a Mediator in various Civil Litigation disputes. His experience and training as both Plaintiff and Defendant’s Counsel brings a unique and straight forward approach to dispute resolution. Lee offers convenient on-line scheduling and online mediation, in addition to in-person mediation at convenient neutral locations.

The National Trial Lawyers

Pittsburgh Motorcycle Accident Lawyer
Law Offices of Lee W. Davis, Esquire LLC BBB Business Review

For more than 30 years, Lee has been investigating complex injury cases for Plaintiffs in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Michigan.

How Can You Help Your Case?

  • Take or Get Pictures of Any Accident if you are able.
  • Get a copy of any Police Report or write down the name and police department of any law enforcement officer that may have been involved.
  • Identify the other Driver if possible.
  • Write Down Exactly Where and When the Motorcycle Accident Occurred.
  • Identify Any Witnesses and write down their contact information.
  • Identify if there is any security camera footage or video of your Any Accident, if you can.
  • Call Lee Now!